Nowadays no matter UAV , rc aircraft,toy airplane,are all called
drone by the public , and this make the lines between them becoming more
and more blur......
The UAV was first developed after the World War 1 , but it was
generally used in military after the World War 2. Recent years , UAV has
showed its possibility for commercial and civil use. While DJI becomes
more and more popular in UAV area,
the technology of UAV for civil use turn to be more and more mature
and common . UAV , rc aircaft and toy airplane can be found in every
shopping center. But nowadays no matter UAV , model airplane or toy
airplane are all called UAV by the public , and this make the lines
between them becoming more and more blur , as a practitioner or a
hobbyist can you come out with the
different drone between UAV , RC airplane and toy airplane in accurate?
The differences between UAV and rc aircraft
First , let's talk about the differences between UAV and rc aircraft.
Let's start from definition , flight control system , Auto-Control ,
constituent , purpose and administration to organize the differences
between UAV and model airplane , in order to fundamentally distinguish.
The differences of definition
Currently , the definition of rc aircraft is that the model airplane
must be in your horizon. People's horizon should under 500 meters. It
means that while people standing here and look at the model , this
distance can not exceed 500 meters and the relative height can not
exceed 120 meters. It is a kind of unmanned air craft that heavier than
air , has limited in size and has or no power plant and should fly in
horizon. That is what we call model airplane.
UAV is totally different , it is a kind of unmanned air craft that use
radio remote control equipment or its own program to control. It can
fly without remote , people can control it through computer , ground
station or ground circuit. UAV can fly thousands of kilometers away and
now it can stay in air for 48 hours that means 2 days , it can fly so
far in that situation. UAV can fly for a long distance , that is also a
notable feature of it , which model airplane can not do it.
The differences of flight control system
The only difference is that whether has navigation flight system and
whether can autonomous flight. Popular to say , UAV use its complicated
central flight control system to connect with ground control parameters ,
in order to control its stance and maneuvering achieve autonomous
Though model airplane is also unmanned , but it need to fly in
manipulator's horizon and let manipulator to control its maneuvering and
regulate its stance.
That's means UAV flies with its "brain" , the "brain" maybe limited by
A.I. , not as smart as human's brain. But model airplane's "brain" is
always on the ground , in manipulator's hands.
The differences of Auto-Control
In Auto-Control , UAV can deal with many various situation intelligent
, complete the mission as required , confirm the mission after data
fusion with the ground station and take the next step as required. While
most model airplane's Auto-Control only can achieve auto return after
lose control.
The difference of constituent
UAV is more complicated than model airplane in constituent. Rc aircraft
is composed by flying platform , power system and the rocker in horizon.
It is mainly for ornamental of the public , pursuit of out looking or
elegance of flying , do not need high technology.
UAV's system is composed by flying platform , power system , Flight
control navigation system , link system , mission system and ground
station. It is mainly for accomplish some special missions , pursued the
ability to complete the task and high technology. Some upscale model
airplanes and some low end UAVs do not have too many differences in
flying platform , power system.
The differences of use
UAV is more used to carry out some missions that out of horizon ,
nowadays is mainly used in military and special civil , its biggest
mission radius is thousands of kilometers. It can control itself through
airborne navigation flight control system. Through link system upload
control order and download task information.
Model airplane usually flies in horizon , its control radius is less
than 800 meters , manipulator should staring at the plane , use the
remote to control the model , there has none equipment on the airplane.
Lots of UAV system have the same ability as model airplane , manipulator
can control UAV in horizon.
The differences of Security Management
In our country , rc aircraft is managed by Air Sports Management
Center , which belongs to National Sports Commission. Civil UAVs are
managed by Civil Aviation Authority and military UAVs are managed by
The differences between rc aircraft and toy airplane
The differences of participatory
The differences between model airplane and toy airplane is that toys
are "dead" , but models are "alive". The reason for toys are "dead" is
that toys usually only use its original accessories and almost do not
have any choices , if it is broken , people can only buy original
accessories , it is also difficult to find.
But rc aircraft is totally different , for example if my television
is broken , I can buy whatever size of TV as I want , because all of
them are in common use , if I think the old one do not have enough power
, I can change it into a bigger one in common use. After all , if you
buy a toy , it will always look the same. If you buy a model , you can
do whatever you want on it.
The differences of internal structure
From the internal structure , toy axis's ESC , receiver and flight
control system are all combined together , all use coreless motor and
also do not have the problem of radiating. The advantage for this
integrated board is cheap and small in size , the disadvantage is that
if one place is broken , then it should be changed into a new one. But
because of the expensive cost of model airplane and the need of diy and
radiating , so there do not have many integrated board model (except
some miniature model craft) , are generally independent devices
connected to each other , such as
2s 7.4v lipo battery, easy to use,and if don't have electricity,just replace a battery at any time.
The differences of environment
Model usually can fit outdoor fly and it can be controlled in bad
weather. But toy can only fly with breeze or without wind such as indoor